Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What SIFE Does : Personal Financial Success Skills

4# Personal Financial Success Skills

University of Cape Coast
Many of Ghana's workers underestimate the importance of accumulating a savings and therefore retire in poverty. UCC SIFE partnered with Ghana's Social Security and National Trust to organize lessons on the benefits of saving for retirement and ways to gain access to and complete application forms properly. Over 100 workers who participated in the workshops have now registered with the administration, and the project has been so successful that Ghana's Social Security and National Trust has adopted the idea and expanded it to the national level.

What SIFE Does : Business Ethics

3# Business Ethics

Wilfrid Laurier University
WLU SIFE publishes a weekly ethics article in the campus newspaper. Students are invited to submit ethical dilemmas for the newspaper column, and SIFE students work with a university ethics professor to respond with possible solutions.

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
SIFE UiTM broadcasts the importance of sound business ethics by radio to 35,000 listeners in the local community. The radio spots were part of a week-long ethics program that also included an exhibition of global ethics issues, a public forum to discuss the topic, and an on-campus quiz competition on ethical practices.

What SIFE Does : Entrepreneurship

2# Entrepreneurship

Curtin University of Technology
Curtin SIFE developed "Entrepreneur's Challenge," a competition to design innovative products and services to fill a market need. Participants worked in teams to go from idea generation and business planning to final submissions and presentations. Approximately 120 people competed and 30 businesses were launched as a result.

Shanghai International Studies University
SIFE SISU spent more than 2,000 hours implementing "Rainbow over the Fields" in the rural villages of Yancheng, Yixing and Chengde. The project assisted impoverished Chinese farmers by providing direct access to education and basic resources. Farmers were provided seeds and other supplies, and they learned supply and demand, efficient use of resources, new agriculture methods, and how to search the Internet for information. One farmer, Zhang Danong, said, "Through your program, I really broadened my view... to earn a brighter future for my family!"

What SIFE Does : Market Economics

1# Market Economics

American University - Central Asia
Many individuals in rural Kyrgyzstan had little or no access to updated economic information, and business activity suffered as a result. AUC SIFE established an information center to teach basic computer skills and provide Internet usage training. Through the internet, citizens now have knowledge of worldwide economic events and their relevance to the local economy. The center has become a training center, global connection point, and an online marketplace to buy and sell products.

About SIFE

SIFE is a global non-profit organization active in more than 40 countries. SIFE is funded by financial contributions from corporations, entrepreneurs, foundations, government agencies and individuals. Working in partnership with business and higher education, SIFE establishes student teams on university campuses. These teams are led by faculty advisors and they are challenged to develop community outreach projects that reach SIFE's five educational topics:

  • Market Economics
  • Success Skills
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Financial Literacy
  • Business Ethics

SIFE team members leverage their personal educational experiences, the expertise of their faculty advisors, the support of their local business advisory boards, and the resources of their institutions to implement programs that create real economic opportunities for members of their communities. The effectiveness of their programs is judged at competition. Each national SIFE organization conducts a national competition, which is judged by leaders from its business community. At competition, SIFE teams present the results of their educational outreach projects and compete to determine which team was most successful at creating economic opportunity for others. SIFE National Champion teams advance to the top level of competition, the SIFE World Cup.